Top 10 Indicators that You Need Help in Your Business

response to this question, here’s a list of hot buttons that I’ve heard business owners frequently mention over the years:

1. You spend nights and weekends at work. Most people go into business for themselves because they want more control over their lives, like the ability to make their own decisions about when they work, how they work, and with whom they work. However, one of the most common pitfalls of self-employment is the “I need to do it all myself” trap. When you become caught in that trap, many of your dreams of self-employment fade away, as you find yourself relentlessly toiling all day and all night to keep the business up and running and moving forward. Was this an aspect of the kind of life and business you wanted to create? Probably not. If you’re meeting yourself coming home at night when you go to work in the morning, you probably need some help in your business.


2. You are paralyzed by overwhelm. There is no lack of things you need to do each day — your to-do list runneth over. However, you find yourself trudging through the day, fighting fires, too tired and too overwhelmed to tackle anything on that darned to-do list. If you find that no tasks are ever eliminated from you to-do list because the thought of tackling the list just paralyzes and overwhelms you, you probably need some help in your business.

3. You have little time to market your business. Reaching out and touching prospects as well as finding new prospects for your marketing funnel are vital to preventing your client well from running dry. You may have enough business for the next 4 months or so, but what happens at that point if you’re too busy working “in” your business to work “on” your business? If the process of running your business is eating away all of your marketing time, you probably need some help in your business.

4. You are exhausted and have conti